London Business School MBA: A Complete Breakdown

The Admissions Guy
6 min readDec 8, 2023


London Business School provides a fantastic international learning experience

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The 2022–2023 admissions cycles added to a long streak of Gurufi clients earning admission to London Business School. Since we’ve been tracking this data, 22 of our 25 LBS clients have earned admission, including our last 7 applicants last year. Our approach to helping clients build compelling personal statements that reflect their experiences positively and project a sense of passion and optimism about their futures is the key to this success.

In this free guide, we detail the basics of the school, LBS’s admissions criteria and timeline, and what the school values and looks for.

The London Business School’s (LBS) MBA program prides itself on offering students a diverse and international student body, a dynamic learning experience, and the opportunity to engage with a robust curriculum tailored to global business leadership.

Program Strengths

Diverse Class Profile: The LBS MBA program is known for its diversity. The MBA 2025 class, for instance, consisted of 487 students with 43% women and representation from 63 nationalities, bringing together a wide array of professional backgrounds, including consulting, finance, technology, and healthcare.

Rigorous and Flexible Curriculum: The program spans 15 to 21 months and is structured to provide a strong foundation in business fundamentals, along with a wide range of electives and experiential learning opportunities. This flexibility allows students to tailor their MBA experience to their personal and professional goals.

Global Exposure: The LBS MBA program emphasizes global business, offering opportunities like the London Core Application Practicum, global experiential courses, and an international exchange program. This global perspective is further enhanced by the school’s location in London, a major business hub.

Career Support: LBS provides extensive career support, including personal and professional development programs and a dedicated Career Centre, to assist students in navigating their post-MBA career paths.

Ideal Applicants

Applicants who excel at LBS typically possess a blend of strong academic backgrounds, meaningful professional experience, and a clear vision of their career goals. The school values diversity and seeks candidates who can contribute unique perspectives and experiences to the program.

Admissions Process

Eligibility: Candidates must meet general application requirements, which include academic qualifications, professional experience, and, for international students, visa requirements.

Application Components: Key elements of the application include a strong GMAT or GRE score, compelling essays, and a concise, achievement-focused CV. The main essay should articulate post-MBA goals and how LBS will help achieve them, with an optional essay to address any application gaps.

Interviews: Successful applicants are invited to an interview, often conducted by alumni. The interview process assesses not only professional aspirations but also personal journeys and global perspectives.

Often the most challenging and time-consuming part of the application is Personal Statement and other admissions essays. At Gurufi, we can help you with this, but if you’d like to go it alone, here are some tips for nailing these essays.

Writing essays for the London Business School MBA application requires a strategic approach, as each essay has a specific purpose and word limit. Here’s a breakdown of the essay prompts and tips for each:

1. Required Essay

Prompt: “What are your post-MBA goals and how will your prior experience and the London Business School programme contribute towards these?” (500 words maximum)


Clarify Your Goals: Start by clearly defining your short-term and long-term career goals. Be specific about the role and industry you aim to be in post-MBA.

Connect Past Experiences: Demonstrate how your previous experiences have prepared you for your future goals. Highlight specific skills, knowledge, and accomplishments. Remember, your essay needs to be coherent in the sense that your past, present, and future selves seem like the same person and that these three points demonstrate an upward trajectory. Personal Statements are ultimately about the future, but proving to the reader that your planned future is achievable requires you first to show that it flows naturally from your past and present.

LBS’s Role in Your Journey: Explain how specific aspects of the LBS program (courses, clubs, network, location, etc.) will help you achieve these goals. Research the program thoroughly and mention details that resonate with your aspirations. Importantly, DO NOT turn your essay into a dump of everything you found on the website. Curate what you include carefully. Just a few well-chosen things that are clearly linked to the rest of your essay is much better than simply listing all the clubs that seem cool to you.

Personal Growth and Contribution: Mention how you plan to grow personally at LBS and how you can contribute to the LBS community.

2. Optional Essay

Prompt: “Is there any other information you believe the Admissions Committee should know about you and your application to London Business School?” (500 words maximum)


Addressing Gaps or Weaknesses: Use this space to explain any part of your application that might raise questions (e.g., gaps in employment, lower GPA/GMAT scores). If you’re unsure of how to do this, check this video out that we did for GMATClub. (or, if you’re more of a 60-second recap kind of person, this one or this one)

Adding Depth to Your Profile: Alternatively, you can discuss a significant achievement, personal challenge, or unique aspect of your background not covered in other essays.

Be Relevant and Concise: Ensure that what you share is relevant and adds value to your application. Avoid repeating information already covered elsewhere.

3. Short Answer Questions

Within the application form, LBS includes several short-answer sections. These are not traditional essays but require thoughtful responses.


Responsibilities and Leadership: When discussing your current role, emphasize leadership experience, team management, and any global or cross-cultural exposure.

Explaining Employment Gaps: If applicable, explain what you are doing or plan to do during any employment gaps. Focus on activities that enhance your MBA candidacy.

Employer Support: If your employer is sponsoring you, outline the specifics. If not, state it clearly.

Academic Performance: Address any academic weaknesses and provide context, but also highlight areas of strength or improvement.

English Language Proficiency: Share your experiences in English-speaking environments, emphasizing your communication skills.

International Experience: Highlight a significant international experience, focusing on its impact on your perspective or skills.

Extracurricular Activities: Share your interests and activities outside work, emphasizing leadership roles and community involvement.

Family and Friends Support: Discuss the support from your close circle regarding your MBA plans, showing a balanced view of your personal and professional life.

In each response, be authentic and focused. Ensure that your answers collectively paint a complete and compelling picture of your candidacy, complementing the information provided in your essays and other application materials.

Application Tips

Research and Prepare: Familiarize yourself with commonly asked questions and conduct mock interviews. Reflect on your personal and professional journey and how it aligns with LBS’s offerings and values.

Present a Strong Narrative: In your essays and interview, present a clear narrative that connects your past experiences, MBA goals, and how LBS fits into this trajectory.

Demonstrate Global Awareness: Stay informed about global business trends, as LBS values candidates with a global perspective.

Prepare Thoughtful Questions: Show your interest and proactive approach by preparing insightful questions for the interviewers.

Showcase Leadership and Impact: Highlight experiences where you’ve demonstrated leadership and had a significant impact, aligning with LBS’s focus on developing global leaders.

By understanding these aspects of the LBS MBA program and tailoring your application accordingly, you can enhance your chances of gaining admission to this prestigious program.

Remember, the key is to present a well-rounded profile that aligns with LBS’s values and program strengths.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

